Now that we have learned all of these great skills, we need a way to make sure we are applying them on a daily basis, starting with the very first skill we learned: mindfulness. The Diary Card is a simple chart which helps you become more mindful of your daily life, while also serving as a reminder to apply your skills. Remember our magic formula? Applied Mindfulness = Awareness + Acceptance + Action. Well, the Diary Card was designed to do all of that in one single chart! The chart is really easy to use. Simply complete this chart on a daily basis to track your thoughts, feelings, triggers, urges, behaviors, and skills applied. Don’t worry about remembering every single skill you have learned in this workbook: They are all included as reminders right on the chart! If you are in counseling with a professional therapist, you might want to bring in your Dairy Card to your sessions so that both you and your counselor can monitor your progress.
Diary Card
Sunday |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
Thoughts |
Feelings |
Triggers |
Urges |
Behaviors |
Skills |
Possible Skills
- Coping Card
- Mindfulness
- Balanced Mind
- Functional Analysis
- Pattern Wheel
- Extreme Acceptance
- Smart Stubbornness
- Pros & Cons
- Half Smile
- Change the Temperature
- Exercise
- Controlled Breathing
- Muscle Relaxation
- Making Comparisons
- Counting Blessings
- Finding Humor
- Thought Stopping
- Memorization
- Helping Others
- Self-Care
- Looking Back
- Looking Forward
- One Thing at a Time!
- Mini Vacation
- Cheerleading
- Journaling
- Enjoyable Activities
- Soothing with the Senses
- Letting Go
- Urge Surfing
- Imagery
- Finding Purpose
- TEA Party
- ANT Stomping